Exhibit Home
- The EKU Alma Mater
- Belles Lettres and Aurora
- The Beach Boys on Campus
- Campus Construction
- Center for the Arts
- Chautauqua Lecture Series
- Commencement
- Campus Dining
- Earle B. Combs
- Eastern Progress
- EKU vs. WKU
- EKU Basketball
- Foster Music Camp
- Founders Day
- Freshmen Beanies
- Grantland Rice Bowl
- Greek Life
- Hanging of the Greens
- Homecoming
- Honors Program
- Industrial Education
- International Students
- Keen Johnson
- Lilley Cornett Woods
- Madrigal Dinner
- Marching Band
- Mary Roark
- Mascots
- Meadowbrook Farm & Stateland Dairy
- The Messiah
- The Milestone
- Military Ball
- Mozart
- Registration
- School Spirit
- Student Protests
- Student Government Association
- Student Housing
- Student Publishing
- "The Campus Beautiful"
- The Eastern Review
- Time Capsule in Martin Hall
- TRIO Programs
- University Ensemble
- University Status
- Walters Collegiate Institute
- Women's Army Corps
- Central University Historical Plaque
- Parking (Schwendeman Green)
- Thomas & Hazel Little Building Addition (Crabbe Library)
- Foundation Professors Plaque (Crabbe Library)
- John Grant Crabbe Main Library
- Noel Studio for Academic Creativity (Crabbe Library)
- Special Collections & Archives (Crabbe Library)
- The Ravine
- Pearl Buchanan Theatre (Keen Johnson Building)
- The Blue Lady (Keen Johnson Building)
- EKU Presidential Portraits (Keen Johnson Building)
- Daniel Boone Statue
- Sullivan Hall
- Turley House
- Jane F. Campbell Building
- Blanton House
- Eastern Alumni (Alumni Center at Blanton House)
- Adams House
- Hiram Brock Auditorium (Coates Building)
- Robert R. Martin (Robert R. Martin Room, Coates Building)
- Elmwood
- Roark Building
- Works Progress Administration Projects (Miller, Beckham, & McCreary Halls)
- A New Tradition (Turner Gate)
- Carloftis Garden
- Education Abroad (Keith Building)
- Hazel Warford (Weaver Building)
- Ellendale Hall (Demolished)
- Fitness & Wellness at EKU (Gym Under Construction)
- Todd & Dupree Halls (Demolished)
- Centennial Man
- Powell Student Center
- Memorial Bell Tower
- EKU Veterans Memorial (Powell Plaza)
- Meditation Chapel
- Hanger Stadium (Demolished) & Football at EKU
- Spider Thurman (Hanger Stadium - Demolished)
- Nursing Program (Rowlett Building)
- Student Health Services (Rowlett Building)
- Smith Park Observatory
- Roy Kidd Stadium
- Baseball (Earle B. Combs Stadium)
- Turkey Hughes Field
- Alumni Coliseum
- Model Laboratory School
- Teacher Training (Granny Richardson Springs One Room Schoolhouse)
- Law Enforcement Program (Equestrian Statue)
- Hummel Planetarium
- Downtown Richmond - EKU and the City
- Arlington
- Student Contributors
Experience Eastern in a New Way
What do a basketball from 1984, a statue of Daniel Boone, and a top hat have in common? Each one is a small part of the Eastern story, preserved throughout time in Eastern’s Special Collections and Archives. This exhibit highlights the story of Eastern through 50 objects and 50 locations.
From items pulled from our collections, you’ll discover stories like how Eastern became the Colonels (and not the Leopards). You’ll see how Eastern students stood up for their beliefs and marched in the streets. You’ll learn how the African American members of the University Ensemble created community and music during a tumultuous time in American politics. You'll also explore the story of Eastern through the campus itself. Find out how Elmwood became a part of EKU. Learn how a Great Depression-era program contributed to Eastern’s infrastructure. Uncover the story of a custodian in the Weaver Building who taught students how to box. You can explore the locations on this website, or, you can download the Clio app to access our EKU x 100 walking tour to guide you on your smartphone.
To get started, use the navigation pane on the left or click one of the the buttons below. You can also read about the students who helped create this exhibit by here.
These 100 locations and objects are a few pieces of Eastern’s history, but the narrative is not quite complete. There are easily another 100 things that could be added to this list.