Time Capsule in Martin Hall

A Glorious Past, A Scintillating Future: The Story of Eastern Kentucky State College

A Glorious Past, A Scintillating Future: The Story of Eastern Kentucky State College, 1960.  This was one item found in the Martin Hall time capsule.

In 1961, Eastern president Robert Martin buried a time capsule in Martin Hall. Inside one of the  cornerstones was an old copper box filled with memorabilia for future EKU generations to discover. There were copies of both the Eastern student paper the Eastern Progress and the local paper, The Richmond Register; 1960s course catalog; collections of photographs, and magazines. This 1960 copy of The Story of Eastern Kentucky State College was also in the capsule.  55 years after the time capsule was placed, as Martin Hall was demolished to make space for a new residence hall, the items were discovered.  How many more time capsules are hidden on campus? Some people believe that there are time capsules hidden in most of the buildings that Martin constructed.  Who knows what mysteries lay inside some of our campus structures.