Browse Items (55 items total) Tags: sailors Refine search Creator Select...Heath PhotographerKinseyPalmer Studio, Norfolk, VATaylor, Jimmyunknown Date Select...19721967-06-171960s19571956195519541953195219511950s194919481946194519441935 ca1919 Format Select...copy negglass platenegativephotograph Type Select...image Collection Select...EKU PhotographsParrish, Virginia N. PapersRoberts, Marie PapersShawhan, Josephine PhotographsTaylor, Jimmy PhotographsWallace Family Papers Tags Remove filter...sailors Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Created Jump to page of 2 pages Dorrance Long 2015a016-1946-1033 1946 Unidentified Man 2015a016-1945-0935 1945 photo_library Martin Isaacs and Wife 2015a016-1945-0597 1945 Bobby Poynter 2015a016-1945-0585 1945 Unidentified Man 2015a016-1945-0570 1945 photo_library Edna & Rudd Alfred 2015a016-1945-0550 1945 Unidentified Man 2015a016-1945-0513 1945 Ralph Sandlin Long 2015a016-1944-0109 1944 photo_library Billy Van McHargue 2015a016-1944-0118 1944 Edwin Short 2015a016-1944-0180 1944 photo_library Charles Spalding 2015a016-1944-0181 1944 Cecil Sword 2015a016-1944-0183 1944 Harold Snider 2015a016-1944-0184 1944 Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Whitaker 2015a016-1944-0200 1944 Mrs. Sciallo Family 2015a016-1944-0633 1944 Donald William Blake 2015a016-1944-0668 1944 Anna Langdon 2015a016-1944-0676 1944 Jesse & Homer Barker 2015a016-1944-0689 1944 Obed Estes 2015a016-1944-0924 1944 Russell Hamilton 2015a016-1944-0968 1944 photo_library Avery Jenkins, Jr. 2015a016-1944-0999 1944 V.J. Karetsky 2015a016-1945-0148 1945 photo_library Johnathon, Beulah & Carl Gilbert 2015a016-1945-0706 1945 photo_library Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Cox 2015a016-1945-0898 1945 Copy Neg for Dorothy Hardy 2015a016-1946-0877 1946 Unidentified Sailor 2015a016-7653 Craig Congleton 2015A016-4629 1960s Unidentified Sailor 2015A016-2643 1950s Unidentified Sailor, Woman 2015A016-2642 1950s John Craft 2015a016-1967-0300 1967-06-17 Unidentified Man 2015a016-1957-0192 1957 Unidentified Man 2015a016-1957-0131 1957 Harold Warford 2015a016-1956-0280 1956 Earl B. Whittaker 0001-005-visitors_individuals-033 1935 ca Robert R. Martin holding the EKU Mace talking to a Navy officer 0001-005-commencement_f6-008 1972 Elmo Nisius in a Sailor Uniform 1982A004-0650 Owen Singer 2015a016-1955-270 1955 Billy and Betty Dickerson 2015a016-1955-229 1955 Unidentified Man 2015a016-1954-0435 1954 Mr. and Mrs. Billy Winsted 2015a016-1953-0407 1953 John Craft 2015a016-00116 1960s photo_library Bobby Goucher 2015a016-1952-0206 1952 Billy and Earl Winsted 2015a016-1951-0585 1951 photo_library Earl Winsted 2015a016-1951-0584 1951 photo_library Jimmy Pigg 2015a016-1951-0510 1951 Five Parks Sons 2015a016-1951-0335 1951 Unidentified Man 2015a016-1949-0571 1949 photo_library Ellis Land 2015a016-1948-0124 1948 photo_library Unidentified Man (Mrs. Eugene Spurlock) 2015a016-1944-1169 1944 photo_library Unidentified Man (Nell Schuler) 2015a016-1944-1150 1944 Sort by: TitleCreatorDate CreatedDate Added Jump to page of 2 pages Output Formats atom, csv, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2