Abraham Lincoln
Title: Abraham Lincoln
Description: Sketch of Lincoln in Baltimore wearing a flat top bowler (Mosby Style). May be an ink sketch over a lithograph, contains notations "Baltimore June 6th 1864" (recto) and "Martin Doughty, pinxit, Book, PA" (verso).
Source: Civil War Collection
Date: 1864
Format: ink on paper
Type: image
Identifier: 0010-001-061
Rights: Contact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, rights and permission to publish.
Creator: Owens, C.
Physical Dimensions: 5x7 on 7x9.5
Location: b1/f9
Other Media
Owens, C., “Abraham Lincoln,” Digital Collections, accessed December 2, 2024, https://digitalcollections.eku.edu/items/show/13738.