C.M. Clay Scrapbook, Loose Pages
Title: C.M. Clay Scrapbook, Loose Pages
Description: This folder contains the loose papers from the scrapbooks. In addition to various clippings there are several pamphlets and fliers. These include: a pamphlet entitled Constitution, or Articles for the Government of the Fayette Legion, adopted 27 Mar 1843. The volunteer companies listed are: Lexington Light Infantry - Lexington Greys - Lexington Grenadiers - Transylvania Cadets, Co. A - Transylvania Cadets, Co. B; a flier promoting the Waters of the Celebrated Blue Lick Springs by M. Benckart; an 1872 circular letter about the Union Republican party of Kentucky; and a speech by C.M. Clay entitled The New Era printed as handbill with a notation on back "Centennial= 1889"in Clay's hand.
Source: Cassius M. Clay Collection
Date: 1843-1889
Format: scrapbook
Type: text
Identifier: 0010-006-b03-f13
Rights: Contact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, rights and permission to publish.