Associate Degree Nursing Class Photos
Title: Associate Degree Nursing Class Photos
Description: Pictured are: Laura Adams, James Allison, Linda Anderson, Dana Baldridge, Travis Bodner, Jody Brown, Crystal Casey, Reisha Caudill, Daphanie Chapman, Vicki Chapman, Nelya Chubaruk, Christie Conley, Amy Cosby, Peggy Covey, Danyelle Crowe, Kandy Cummins, Kristi Cummins, Denise Dampier, Francis Dargavell, Deanna Dennis, Sommer Denny, Roger Dingess, Glenna Dwelly, Ramona Farley, Catherine Frye, Emily Genoe, Sabrina George, Kristi Gulle, April Harris, Anthony Heflin, Melissa Henson, Rachel Hill, Elizabeth Howard, Mia Howard, Debra Huddleston, Debbie Hughes, Amanda Johnson, Karen Jones, Bobbie Kloss, Regina Lovings, Yasmin Majumder, Virginia McFarland, Janna Moody, Sarah Moore, Shelley Mosher, Renee Oliver, Edward Owens, Brandi Ritchie, Patricia Roark, Mary Rollins, Jennifer Samuelson, Mae Sester, Brian Silva, Ashley Sims, Dale Smith, Rita Smith-Taylor, Connie Vanderpool, Cynthia Vito, Jennifer Waters, Margaret Williamson, Kimberly Willis, Jeri Wolak, Amanda Young.
Source: Baccalaureate and Associate Degree Nursing Graduate Photographs
Date: 2004-05
Format: photograph
Type: image
Identifier: 2019a014-asn-2004-05
Rights: Contact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, rights and permission to publish.
Creator: Custom Composites, Inc.