Associate Degree Nursing Class Photos
Title: Associate Degree Nursing Class Photos
Description: Pictured are: Kim Anglin, Kristin Baker, Ashley Bowen, Cynthia Brewer, DeLanna Clark, Jane Crews, Kacey Dotson, JoAnne Foley, Linda Geller, Jennifer J. Graham, Debra Grega, Jennifer Hall, Patty Hall, Alicia Hamilton, Rayetta Harrison, Carma Hellard, Ann Honaker, Shelly House, Kathy Hrapek, Delilah Jarczewski, Kristie Jones , Rhonda Kollar, Kelly Ann Milburn, Teresa Myers, Sherry D. Neace, Kristy Ohnheiser, Tammy Owens, Karen H. Parrish, Angela Pennington, Alisha Petrey, Betsy Reynolds, Mary Kay Russell, Leslie Sams, Linda Smith, Johnna Stamper, Christy Trent, Monica Tucker, Tiffany Turner, Catherine Wuest, Rachel Williams.
Source: Baccalaureate and Associate Degree Nursing Graduate Photographs
Date: 1999-05
Format: photograph
Type: image
Identifier: 2019a014-asn-1999-05
Rights: Contact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, rights and permission to publish.
Creator: Custom Composites, Inc.