Associate Degree Nursing Class Photos
Title: Associate Degree Nursing Class Photos
Description: Pictured are: Lisa Abner, Lisa Bellamy, Suprina Bolton, Gary Bowling, Sherry K. Brown, Kelly Carroll, Linda Cartwright, Darryl Claxton, Cynthia M. Crew, Sarah Crews-Miller, RossAnn Dalton, Lanetta Faulkner, Elisha R. Flood, Wendi Gambill, Bonnie Goodwin, Patricia Hames, Teresa Harris, Robert L. Heinrich, Deborah L. Helton, Jody Horn, Annie Huguely , Rhonda L. Jones, Susan K. Larkey, Katherine A. Love, Kyna McCool, Yvonna L. McGurn, Wanda Menk, Faye Middleton, Brenda Miller, Carolyn R. Miller, Christen L. Mills, Quentin E. Moore, Teresa Cress Morris, Deborah L. North, Janet N. O'Malley, Leslie Osborne, Stacy Ruby-Hourigan, Mitzi Scalf, Kathy Smith, Patricia D. Smith, Melinda R. Pappas , Kristy Payne , Angela Perry, Gretchen Phelps, Tanya L. Spencer, Lynn Stafford, Mary Wagner, Pamela M. Walsh, Stephanie Warren, Brigitte Winstead, Carol Winstead, Tami M. Young , Richard Zerbee.
Source: Baccalaureate and Associate Degree Nursing Graduate Photographs
Date: 1995-12
Format: photograph
Type: image
Identifier: 2019a014-asn-1995-12
Rights: Contact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, rights and permission to publish.
Creator: Custom Composites, Inc.