Stephen Collins Foster
Title: Stephen Collins Foster
Description: Watercolor portrait of Stephen Collins Foster. In a letter to Library Director, Ernest Weyhrauch (found in the Library Director's Office Records, Box 8), Dorothy Townsend indicates that she is giving a signed watercolor portrait of Stephen Collins Foster to EKU in her will. Handwritten text on print reads: "To John Wilson Townsend from Janet Dexter." Printed text on portrait reads: "Copyright 1931, William Edwin Rudge," "Janet Dexter, fecit." Handwritten note on back of print reads: "To Dorothy E. Townsend from John Wilson Townsend, on September 1959."
Date: 1931 c.
Format: watercolor
Type: image
Identifier: H0000262
Creator: Dexter, Janet
Coverage: Archives, Hanging Storage 3
Physical Dimensions: 21-1/2" x 24"