Football Mugs
Title: Football Mugs
Description: Includes Aaron Murray, Adam Green, Allen Evans, Andre Ralston, Ben Nevels, Brian Sprinkel, Carl Hayden, Chip Franklin, Chuck Marks, Derrick Hill, Elias Israel, Josh Jaggers, Kyle Herman, Lance Petro, Matt Corbett, Matt Miller, Michael Johnson, Michael Montgomery, Nate Berkley, Nate Ingersoll, Paul Prince, Pierre Wright, R.J. Simpson, Ryan Hortman, Terry Ennis, Terry Liggin, Thomas Morgan, Tim Czekaj, Tremayne Perkins, William Heineman, William Lilly.
Date: 2002-07-15
Format: .jpg
Type: image
Identifier: 2002-07-15-football_mugs
Rights: Contact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, rights and permission to publish.
Creator: Webb, Tim
Other Media
Webb, Tim, “Football Mugs,” Digital Collections, accessed December 8, 2024,